DATE PLAYED : 06/18/2011
AXIS Player : Pervertico
ALLIES Player : Budg Vic
AXIS Army : Defender
Sigrid Von Thaler
Laser Grenadiers x2
Recon Grenadiers
Ludwig Panzer Walker (Turn 4)
Luther Panzer Walker (Turn 5)
Manfred and Panzer Killers (Turn 6)
Ludwig Panzer Walker (Turn 7)
Total Points :: 243
ALLIES Army : Attacker
Mickey Assault Walker
Pounder Assault Walker
Bazooka Joe
BBQ Rangers
Bot Hunters
Gunner Rangers
Observer Rangers
Total Points :: 170
- Sigrid Von Thaler and Laser Grenadiers enter the battle together
- Bazooka Joe and the BBQ Rangers enter the battle together
ALLIES (T to B) :: OR; Mickey, GR; Joe & BBQ, BH; Pounder
AXIS (T to B) :: LG; Siggy & LG; RG
- Axis passes on the first move, Allies move first
- Mickey fast moves and shoots at Sigrid Von Thaler and her Laser Grenadiers in soft cover
- 75 mm Howitzer scores 5 hits. 2 are absorbed by cover, 3 hit Sigrid Von Thaler
- 50 Cal. scores 1 hit on the Laser Grenadiers
- Sigrid Von Thaler and her Laser Grenadiers move to an Ammo Crate and shoot at the Mickey Assault Walker
- Laser Werfer hits for 2 damage
- Laser Grenadiers move to an Ammo Crate and shoot at Bazooka Joe and his BBQ Rangers
- Laser Werfer scores 1 hit on Bazooka Joe
- 4 Laser Gewehr’s scores 1 hit on Bazooka Joe
ALLIES (T to B) :: Mickey, GR, OR; BH; Joe & BBQ, Pounder
AXIS (T to B) :: LG; Siggy & LG; RG
- Laser Grenadiers perform a sustained attack on Bazooka Joe and his BBQ Rangers
- Laser Werfer misses
- 4 Laser Gewehr’s score 1 hit on Bazooka Joe and 1 hit on the BBQ Rangers
- Bazooka Joe and his BBQ Rangers perform a sustained attack on Sigrid Von Thaler and her Laser Grenadiers in hard cover (Ammo Crate + Corner)
- Flamethrower scores 2 hits on the Laser Grenadiers
- Grenade Launcher scores 1 hit on the Laser Grenadiers
- 4 Shotguns score 3 hits. 1 hit is absorbed by cover, the 2 hits kill Sigrid Von Thaler and eliminate the remaining Laser Grenadier
- Recon Grenadiers move to an Ammo Crate and attack Bazooka Joe and his BBQ Rangers in soft cover
- 3 Panzerfaust fire and miss
- MG 48 scores 1 hit
- 4 STG 47’s score 2 hits, which are absorbed by cover
ALLIES (T to B) :: Mickey; BH, GR, OR; Joe & BBQ, Pounder
AXIS (T to B) :: LG; RG
- Laser Grenadiers perform a sustained attack on the Bot Hunters
- Laser Werfer misses
- 4 Laser Gewehr’s score 4 hits
- Recon Grenadiers perform a sustain attack on the Gunner Rangers in soft cover
- MG 48 scores 3 hits. 1 hit is absorbed by soft cover, 2 hits on the rangers
- 4 STG 47’s score 1 hit
- Pounder Assault Walker performs a sustained attack on Laser Grenadiers in hard cover (Ammo Crate + Corner)
- 17 Pdr. Gun scores 4 hits. 1 hit is absorbed by cover, 3 his on the grenadiers
- 50 Cal. scores 3 hits to eliminate the grenadiers
- The Axis brings a Ludwig Panzer Walker into the battle and attacks the Pounder Assault Walker
- 8.8 cm FpK zwei score 3 hits
ALLIES (T to B) :: BH; Joe & BBQ, Mickey; GR, Pounder, OR
AXIS (T to B) :: Ludwig, RG
- The Axis brings a Luther Panzer Walker into the battle and uses the Charge ability to attack the Observer Rangers
- Kampfzange scores 1 hit
- Pounder Assault Walker moves and shoots at the Luther Panzer Walker
- 17 Pdr. Gun scores 3 hits
- Recon Grenadiers perform a sustained attack on the Gunner Rangers in hard cover
- MG 48 scores 1 hit, which is absorbed by the Tank Trap
- 4 STG 47’s score 3 hits. 2 hits are absorbed by cover, 1 hit on the Gunner Rangers
- Close Combat
- Gunner Rangers are eliminated by Knife & Grenade
- 1 hit scored on Recon Grenadiers by Knife & Grenade
- Ludwig Panzer Walker moves and performs a Multi-Target Attack
- 8.8 cm FpK zwei targets the Pounder Assault Walker and scores 3 hits for the kill
- MG 48 targets the Observer Rangers and misses
ALLIES (T to B) :: BH; Joe & BBQ, Mickey; OR
AXIS (T to B) :: Ludwig, RG, Luther
- Bazooka Joe and his BBQ Rangers fast move to a Tank Trap and performs a Multi-Target Attack
- Flamethrower targets the Ludwig Panzer Walker and misses
- 4 Demo Charges target the Ludwig Panzer Walker and 2 hit for the kill
- Grenade Launcher targets the Recon Grenadiers and misses
- .45 ACP targets the Recon Grenadiers and misses
- 3 Shotguns target the Recon Grenadiers score 3 hits. 1 hit is absorbed by cover, 2 hit the grenadiers
- Close Combat
- 1 hit on Bazooka Joe from Knife & Grenade
- Recon Grenadiers are eliminated by Knife & Grenade
- The Axis brings Manfred and the Panzer Killers into the battle and attack the Mickey Assault Walker
- Panzerschreck scores 1 hit for 3 damage
- Panzerfaust scores 1 hit for 2 damage and the kill
- Luther Panzer walker moves and performs a Multi-Target Attack
- Kampfzange targets the Observer Rangers and hit for the elimination
- 5cm Flak 43 targets Bazooka Joe and his BBQ Rangers and scores 2 hits. 1 hit is absorbed by the Tank Trap, and 1 hit on the rangers
- Laser Grenadiers perform a sustained attack on the Bot Hunters
ALLIES (T to B) :: BH; Joe & BBQ
AXIS (T to B) :: Manfred & PK; Luther
- Bazooka Joe and his BBQ Rangers move and shoot Manfred and his Panzer Killers
- Flamethrower scores 4 hits on Manfred
- Grenade Launcher misses
- 2 Shotguns score 2 hits
- .45 ACP misses
- Close Combat
- 1 hit on Bazooka Joe from Knife
- 2 hits on the Panzer Killers from Knife & Grenade
- Luther Panzer Walker performs a sustained attack on Bazooka Joe and his BBQ Rangers
- 5cm Flak 43 scores 2 hits on the rangers
- The Axis brings a Ludwig Panzer Walker into the battle and attacks the Bot Hunters in hard cover
- 8.8cm FpK zwei scores 1 hit, which is absorbed by the Tank Trap
- MG 48 misses
- Laser Grenadiers perform a sustained attack on the Bot Hunters
ALLIES (T to B) :: BH; Joe & BBQ
AXIS (T to B) :: Manfred & PK; Luther
- Ludwig Panzer Walker performs a sustained attack on the Bot Hunters in hard cover
- 8.8cm FpK zwei scores 2 hits, which are absorbed by the Tank Trap
- MG 48 scores 2 hits. 1 hit is absorbed by cover, 1 hit eliminates the Bot Hunters
- Bazooka Joe and his BBQ Rangers perform a sustained attack on Manfred and his Panzer Killers
- Flamethrower misses
- Grenade Launcher scores 1 hit and eliminates the Panzer Killers
- .45 ACP misses
- Close Combat
- Manfred is killed by Knife & Grenade
- Bazooka Joe is killed by Knife
- Luther Panzer Walker performs a sustained attack on Bazooka Joe’s remaining BBQ Ranger
- 5cm Flak 43 scores 3 hits to eliminate the remaining Allied forces.
(no end of game picture)
Victory Points
Axis – Pervertico :: 170
Allies – Budg Vic :: 86
This game round was insane… The Allies seemed to have victory clinched when they moved Bazooka Joe and his BBQ Rangers & the Mickey to a very strategic position on the Axis side of the map. No deployment for Axis down the middle, and with the placement of the Tank Traps, walkers weren’t able to get close without having to waste shots on the Tank Traps. Ultimately luck prevailed for the Axis and they were victorious, in the last possible second. Although, should the last attack had failed, the Axis still had 40 points to use and bring into the battle that could have been placed adjacent to the remaining BBQ Ranger. Great strategy on the Allies part, but the constant flow of new units for the Axis starting turn 4 was just too much for them to handle… Perhaps it would have been better if Joe and his BBQ Rangers and the Mickey had stayed put in their strategically safe zone. Time and experience will tell. That’s one thing I do love about this game. Everybody who plays improves with each game, regardless of the luck of their roles.
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