This is a custom 4 game tile X 4 game tile map. Named it “Alpha” due to this being the first time I’m fucking around with custom maps in the world of Dust Tactics. Figured the best way to get a good custom map is to design, play, redesign, play, etc… until I find something I’m happy with. The idea behind the map was to make it available to 4 players (once the Vrill, Soviets, and others are released). The map is also supposed to be only partially symmetrical to make sure there were different advantages and disadvantages for each starting tile. Plus, each starting base has a direct line of fire into the bases that shares its map edge. Hopefully all these factors will make for a good combination of brute force and skilled strategy. I considered making the victory conditions based off of Victory Points, and will more than likely do just that in the future, but I like the idea of last man standing for this first go round.
Map Rules
Players : 2 - 4
Army Size : 32 points for each army
Tank Traps : 4
Ammo Crates : 8
Victory Conditions : Eliminate your opponent(s). Last man standing wins. Victory Point’s will be used to break any ties, should a tie happen (E.G., double elimination through hand to hand combat). If a player is eliminated they lose, no matter if they have more Victory Points then their opponent who survived the game. If you want to determine place settings, then follow theme with the order of elimination, settling ties with Victory Points.
Each Player rolls initiative to determine their entry point (includes any bonus to rolls or extra die)
Example: 3 players roll initiative. Players Beta & Charlie tie, Player Alpha looses. Beta and Charlie re-roll and Beta wins. Charlie and Alpha then roll again. Alpha wins, leaving Charlie last.
Winning player chooses his starting point, and then the next, until all players have chosen a side. 2 player games can choose corresponding sides, or opposite corners, etc… 3 player games will leave one corner unclaimed.
Players then place cover in accordance to their initiative rolls (re-rolling initiative is allowed, should all players wish). Cover is split evenly between the players. In odd cases, the initiative wining player gets to place the extra tank traps and ammo crates.
Example: Same 3 players as above. Each player will place at least 1 tank trap. Player Beta, since they won initiative, will place the extra tank trap. Each player will place at least 2 Ammo Crates. Player Beta will then place the extra 2 Ammo crates, since they won initiative.
The game is ready to begin!!! Roll initiative again to determine who takes the first turn, and get ready for some brutal action. Placement is done on the corner tile that the player claimed as their starting point. A player may place their units ANYWHERE within their 3x3 entry point tile.
WHITE SQUARES :: Placement Squares
GREY SQUARES :: Valid Cover placement
BLACK SQUARES :: Buildings, Walls, Blocking Tiles
DATE PLAYED : 05/29/2011
AXIS Player : Jiltedtoo
ALLIES Player : Pervertico
AXIS Army :
Lothar Panzer Walker
Ludwig Panzer Walker
Luther Panzer Walker
Sigrid Von Thaler
Laser Grenadiers x2
Battle Grenadiers
Panzer Killers
Recon Grenadiers
Observer Grenadiers
Sniper Grenadiers
Steel Rain Assault Walker
Pounder Assault Walker
Mickey Assault Walker
Bazooka Joe
BBQ Rangers x2
Recon Rangers
Bot Hunters
Observer Rangers
Sniper Rangers
Gunner Rangers
The Boss Squad
Game map after cover is placed for this battle
- Axis passes on the first move, Allies move first
- Sigrid Von Thaler and Laser Grenadiers enter the battle together
- Bazooka Joe and BBQ Rangers enter the battle together
- Rosie and Bot Hunters enter the battle together
- Manfred and Panzer Killers enter the battle together
- Pounder Assault Walker enters battle performs a Multi-Target Attack
- 17 Pdr Gun fires at and eliminates Observer Grenadiers
- 50 Cal. MG fires at and misses Sniper Grenadiers
- Ludwig Panzer Walker enters the battle and attacks the Pounder Assault Walker
- 8.8 cm FpK zwei for 1 damage
- Lothar Panzer Walker enters the battle and attacks Bazooka Joe & his BBQ Rangers with direct artillery fire in hard cover.
- Nebelwerfer 42 scores 9 damage. Hard Cover absorbs 6 hits and Bazooka Joe takes 2 damage and BBQ Rangers lose 1 shotgun.
- Luther Panzer Walker enters the battle and attacks Bazooka Joe & his BBQ Rangers in hard cover
- 5 cm Flak 43 hits for 3 damage, which is absorbed by hard cover
- The Boss Squad fails to reactivate Pounder Assault Walker
- Kommandotrupp fails to reactivate Ludwig Panzer Walker
AXIS (L to R) :: Sigrid Von Thaler & L.G.; Manfred & P.K.; Kommandotrupp in back, Ludwig, and B.G.; Sniper Grenadiers; L.G.; R.G.; Lothar, and Luther
ALLIES (L to R) :: The Boss, R.R; Observer Rangers; Pounder, G.R.; Bazooka Joe & BBQ Rangers; Rosie & Bot Hunters, Mickey; Steel Rain, Sniper Rangers, BBQ Rangers
- Ludwig Panzer Walker attacks and destroys the Pounder Assault Walker with sustained fire.
- Recon Rangers fire at Sniper Grenadiers in soft cover and miss with all weapons
- Lothar Panzer Walker attacks Bazooka Joe & his BBQ Rangers in hard cover with Direct Fire
- Nebelwerfer 42 scores 1 kill on the BBQ Rangers
- Laser Grenadiers attack Bazooka Joe and his BBQ Rangers
- Laser Gewehr scores 2 hits. Bazooka Joe takes 1 damage and 1 kill on BBQ Rangers
- Laser Werfer misses
- Sniper Grenadiers score 1 kill on the Observation Rangers with the Sniper Gewehr
- Battle Grenadiers attack Recon Rangers in hard cover
- STG 47’s fire and are absorbed by hard cover
- Panzerschrek fires and is absorbed by hard cover
- Kommandotrupp reactivates Sigrid Von Thaler & her Laser Grenadiers
- Sigrid Von Thaler & her Laser Grenadiers perform a Multi-Target Attack
- Laser Gewehr scores 4 hits to eliminate Bazooka Joe & his BBQ Rangers
- Hand to Hand combat with Recon Rangers:
- 2 kills to Recon Rangers
- 3 damage to Sigrid Von Thaler and 1 kill on Laser Grenadier
- Recon Grenadiers attack BBQ Rangers in soft cover
- STG 47’s miss
- MG 48 scores 3 hits. Soft Cover absorbs 1 hit, and 2 kills on BBQ Rangers
- Manfred & his Panzer Killers perform an Assault Move and attack Recon Rangers in soft cover
- STG 47’s are absorbed by soft cover
- Panzerschrek scores 1 kill
- The Boss Squad fails to reactivate Gunner Rangers
- Luther Panzer Walker attacks BBQ Rangers in soft cover
- 5 cm Flak 43 scores 2 hits. 1 kill and soft cover absorbs 1 hit.
- MG 44 scores 1 kill
AXIS (L to R) :: Kommandotrupp; Ludwig, B.G., Sigrid Von Thaler & L.G.; Manfred & P.K.; Sniper Grenadier; Recon Grenadier; Luther; Lothar
ALLIES (L to R) :: The Boss Squad; Observer Rangers; Gunner Rangers; Recon Rangers; Sniper Rangers, BBQ Squad; Steel Rain, Mickey, Rosie & Bot Hunters
- Sigrid Von Thaler & her Laser Grenadiers perform a Multi-Target Attack
- Laser Gewehr scores 1 kill on the Gunner Rangers in hard cover
- Laser Werfer misses Gunner Rangers in hard cover
- Laser Pistole-B scores 2 hits against Gunner Rangers that are absorbed by hard cover
- Hand to Hand combat with Recon Rangers
- Recon Rangers are eliminated
- 2 kills on Laser Grenadiers
- BBQ Rangers attack Recon Grenadiers in hard cover
- Flamethrower misses
- Lothar Panzer Walker reloads Nebelwerfer 42
- Recon Grenadiers perform a Multi-Target Attack using sustained fire
- STG 47’s score 2 hits against Sniper Rangers that are absorbed by hard cover
- MG 48 scores 1 hit against Sniper Rangers in hard cover that kills the Spotter
- Hand to Hand combat with BBQ Rangers
- All attacks miss
- Gunner Rangers attack Sigrid & her Laser Grenadiers in hard cover with sustained fire
- U.G.L. scores 1 kill on Laser Grenadiers
- M1 AR scores 1 hit on Laser Grenadiers that is absorbed by hard cover
- M9 Bazooka scores 1 hit on Laser Grenadiers that is absorbed by hard cover
- Sniper Grenadiers attack Gunner Rangers with Sniper Gewehr aiming at the M9 Bazooka Ranger and misses
- Mickey Assault Walker attacks Recon Grenadiers in hard cover
- 75 mm Howitzer scores 1 kill
- 50 cal. MG misses
- 30 cal. MG scores 1 kill
- Ludwig Panzer Walker attacks Mickey Assault Walker
- 8.8 cm FpK zwei scores 1 hit
- Kommandotrupp fails to reactivate Ludwig Panzer Walker
- The Boss Squad fails to reactivate Mickey Assault Walker
- Steel Rain Assault Walker attacks Recon Grenadiers in hard cover
- Petard Mortar hits and is absorbed by hard cover
- 30 cal. MG scores 1 kill
- Luther Panzer Walker performs a Multi-Target Attack
- 5 cm Flak 43 scores 1 hit on Mickey Assault Walker
- MG 44 eliminates the remaining BBQ Ranger
- Mickey heals 1 damage with Self Repair
AXIS (L to R) :: Kommandotrupp, Manfred & P.K.; Ludwig, Sniper Grenadiers, B.G., Sigrid Von Thaler & L.G.; Luther, R.G.; Lothar
ALLIES (L to R) :: The Boss, Observer Rangers; G.R.; Mickey; Steel Rain, Rosie & P.K.
- Ludwig Panzer Walker attacks Mickey Assault Walker using sustained fire
- 8.8 cm FpK zwei score 3 hits for the kill
- Steel Rain Assault Walker performs Multi-Target Attack with sustained fire
- 4.2” Rocket fires 2 shots with Direct Fire scoring 4 damage and kill Ludwig Panzer Walker
- 30 Cal. MG scores 2 hits on Recon Grenadiers which are absorbed by hard cover
- Manfred & his Panzer Killers attack Gunner Rangers in soft cover
- STG 47 scores 1 kill
- Panzershrek scores 2 hits that are absorbed by soft cover
- Panzerfaust scores 1 kill
- Hand to Hand combat:
- 1 kill on Gunner Rangers
- The Boss Squad uses Field Repair ability to bring Mickey Assault Walker into the battle
- 75 mm Howitzer scores 4 hits on Manfred
- 50 cal. MG misses
- 30 cal. MS misses
- Kommandotrupp calls an Indirect Strike from the Lothar Panzer Walker against the Steel Rain Assault Walker
- Nebelwerfer scores 2 damage
- Rosie & her Bot Hunters attack Recon Grenadiers in hard cover
- M1 AR scores 2 kills and eliminates the remaining Grenadiers
- Sigrid Von Thaler & her Laser Grenadiers perform a Multi-Target Attack
- Laser Werfer scores 2 hits on Mickey Assault Walker
- Laser Pistole-B misses Gunner Rangers
- Sniper Rangers attack Battle Grenadiers and misses
- Battle Grenadiers perform a Multi-Target Attack
- STG 47’s miss score 2 hits on Sniper Rangers in hard cover, which absorbs all damage
- Panzerschrek misses Mickey Assault Walker
- Panzerfaust misses Mickey Assault Walker
- Gunner Rangers attack Sigrid Von Thaler & her Laser Grenadiers in soft cover
- M9 Bazooka misses
- Luther Panzer Walker attacks Rosie & her Bot Hunters
- 5 cm Flak 43 scores 1 hit on Rosie
- MG 44 scores 1 hit on Rosie
- Observer Rangers attack Sigrid Von Thaler & her Laser Grenadiers in soft cover
- M1 AR misses
- Sniper Grenadiers attack Sniper Rangers
- Sniper Gewehr misses
- STG 47 misses
AXIS (L to R) :: Kommandotrupp, Manfred & P.K., Sigrid Von Thaler & L.G.; Sniper Grenadiers, B.G.; Luther; Lothar
ALLIES (L to R) :: The Boss; Observer Ranger, Gunner Ranger; Mickey; Sniper Ranger; Rosie & B.H.; Steel Rain
- Manfred & his Panzer Killers attack Mickey Assault Walker with sustained fire
- Panzerschrek scores 2 hits for the kill
- Observer Rangers calls an Indirect Strike from the Steel Rain Assault Walker using 1 shot against Sigrid Von Thaler & her Laser Grenadiers in soft cover
- Scores 1 hit which is absorbed by cover
- Sniper Grenadiers attack Sniper Ranger in soft cover
- Sniper Gewehr scores 1 hit, which is absorbed by cover
- STG 47 scores 1 hit and eliminates the remaining Ranger
- Gunner Rangers attack Sigrid Von Thaler in soft cover
- M9 Bazooka hits and is absorbed by soft cover
- Luther Panzer Walker attacks Rosie & her Bot Hunters in soft cover with sustained fire
- 5 cm Flack 43 penetrates cover for 1 hit on Rosie
- MG 44 scores 1 kill on Bot Hunters
- The Boss Squad reactivates Rosie & her Bot Hunters
- Rosie & her Bot Hunters attack Luther Assault Walker
- M9-D Bazooka hits for the kill
- Kommandotrupp fails to reactivate Lothar Panzer Walker
- Sigrid Von Thaler & her Laser Grenadiers perform a Multi-Target Attack
- Laser Werfer misses Observer Rangers
- Laser Pistole-B scores 1 hit and eliminates the remaining Gunner Ranger
- Battle Grenadiers attack Observer Rangers
- STG 47 scores 2 hits to kill the remaining Ranger
AXIS (L to R) :: Manfred & P.K., Sigrid Von Thaler & L.G., B.G.; Kommandotrupp, Sniper Grenadiers; Lothar
ALLIES (L to R) :: The Boss; Rosie & B.H.; Steel Rain
- Rosie & her Bot Hunters attack Lothar Panzer Walker
- M9-D Bazooka hits for the kill
- Sigrid Von Thaler attacks The Boss Squad
- Laser Werfer scores 1 hit and kills the Commander
- Laser Pistole-B scores 2 hits and kills the Weapon Specialist and Mechanic
- The Boss Squad uses Come On Guys; We’re Going Back Out There ability to bring BBQ Rangers into the battle
- BBQ Rangers attack Battle Grenadiers
- Flamethrower scores 3 kills
- Shotguns score 2 kills to eliminate the remaining Grenadiers
- Kommandotrupp reactivates Sigrid Von Thaler & her Laser Grenadiers
- Sigrid Von Thaler & her Laser Grenadiers attack BBQ Rangers
- Laser Werfer misses
- Laser Pistole-B scores 5 hits to eliminate the Rangers
- Steel Rain Assault Walker reloads and moves
- Manfred & his Panzer Killers attack The Boss Squad
- STG 47 scores 1 hit and kills the Medic
- Panzerschrek scores 3 hits and kills the Radio Tech to eliminate the Squad
AXIS (L to R) :: Sigrid Von Thaler & L.G.; Manfred & P.K.; Kommandotrupp, Sniper Grenadiers
ALLIES (L to R) :: Steel Rain, Rosie & B.H.
- Steel Rain Assault Walker attacks Battle Grenadiers in hard cover
- Petard Mortar scores 2 hits which are absorbed by hard cover
- Sniper Grenadiers attack Rosie & her Bot Hunters
- STG 47 misses
- Sniper Gewehr aimed at Rosie misses
- Rosie & her Bot Hunters attack Sniper Grenadiers in soft cover
- M9-D Bazooka misses
- M9 Bazooka misses
- M1 AR misses
- Kommandotrupp performs an attack, then uses an ability
- Attack on Rosie & her Bot Hunters
- STG 47 scores 1 kill on Bot Hunters
- MG 48 scores 2 kills on Bot Hunters
- Officer uses Get Moving You Bunch of Monkeys ability and fails to reactivate Manfred & his Panzer Killers
AXIS (L to R) :: Sigrid Von Thaler & L.G.; Kommandotrupp; Sniper Grenadier, Manfred & P.K.
ALLIES (L to R) :: Steel Rain, Rosie & B.H.
- Manfred & his Panzer Killers attack Steel Rain Assault Walker
- Panzerschrek hits for 3 damage and the kill
- Rosie & her Bot Hunters attack Kommandotrupp
- M9-D Bazooka misses
- M9 Bazooka scores 1 hit and kills the Mechanic
- Sniper Grenadiers attack Rosie & her Bot Hunters
- STG 47 scores 1 damage and kills the remaining Bot Hunter
- Sniper Gewehr hits Rosie for the kill
(no end of game picture)
Some loooonnnggg ass turns with all these units… Bloodshed. Brutality. Bullshit. It all happened this time around… Axis had a strong strategy and great rolls. Allies really fucked up on their placement, and had no real strategy until about turn 3 when it was too late to really turn the tide… Axis had no problem powering through one side, and keeping the other at bay until Rosie brought some serious pain with her M9-D Bazooka (unfortunately the only pain she, or the Bot Hunters really brought throughout the game). Siggy and her damn Laser Grenadiers did some serious damage while taking some serious hits, but managed to make it through to the end. The Ludwig was rather effective, killing both the Pounder and Mickey. Then Manfred and his Panzer Killers did a fine job mopping up the reinforced Mickey. Both Command Squads seemed somewhat effective, if only having varying degrees of success. Observer Squads are still rather new to both players, and with the Axis Observer Squad being eliminated in the first round, and the Allies having no real strategy and horrible placement choices, led to a continued lack of experience gained in this game. Sniper squads are new, as well… Some kills scored and I think a better idea of how to use them in the future, but we’ll see.
Idea number one is to rotate the map 90 degrees clockwise
Idea number two is add 2 more blocking tiles… The existing map was just a little too open.
Idea number three is break up the number of Army Points… Perhaps 12 the first turn, 4 on turn 3, 4 on turn 5, 4 on turn 7, 4 on turn 9, and 4 on turn 11 until the full 32 points are met. Command Squads using their abilities to bring lost units back into the battle do not count against this total, they would only count towards Victory Points if they are destroyed again. This would mean that all players will always be in the game until at least turn 11, since they still have units available to them.
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